We specialise in Mechanical Services Noise Control advice to keep your buildings quiet and enjoyable to use. Whether determining noise impact of externally located plant for planning purposes, or the internal noise from ventilation to ensure a comfortable living or working environment. For developments with a large amount of external plant we can also carry out 3D modelling in CadnaA.
An assessment is undertaken to determine the resultant noise levels from any externally located plant. Typically, this may include: Condensers, Chillers, Refrigeration packs, Diesel generators, Air handling units, Fans, Pump sets etc. Noise levels are calculated for all applicable noise sensitive receivers. And where noise mitigation is required to meet the necessary criteria, performance schedules of any necessary mitigation are given.
An assessment is undertaken to determine the resultant noise levels from mechanical plant located within plant area. Typically, this may include: Condensers, Chillers, Refrigeration packs, Diesel generators, Air handling units, Fans, Pump sets etc. The plant room structure is reviewed and noise break-out is assessed against the relevant criteria, typically to the following areas: through the plant room slab to a room below, to an adjacent internal area, to an external receiver.
An assessment of the potential for noise generated by airflow through the ductwork distribution or ceiling void equipment system can be performed. Typically, this may include: Air handling units, Fans, FCUs, HRUs etc. Noise levels are calculated for all applicable noise sensitive spaces, and where noise mitigation is required, performance schedules of any necessary mitigation are detailed.