We conduct manned or unmanned noise and vibration surveys and typically our Noise Risk Assessments are required for planning purposes. We can provide façade noise surveys, background noise surveys, vibration surveys, noise at work monitoring or where required any other specialist noise and vibration monitoring.
All noise surveys are carried out to meet the latest standards and confirm the requirements set out by the local governing department, be it Environmental Health, Planning or Building Control.
Background noise surveys are often undertaken whenever a new piece of plant or a new activity is proposed, which may generate noise. This could be building services plant, delivery noise, activity noise from public premises etc.
A survey may be required as part of the planning process, or wherever the proposed plant or activities could potentially cause a noise nuisance to neighbouring premises. The main guidance documents relevant to background noise surveys are:
The aim of the survey is to establish the existing background noise level at the nearest noise sensitive receivers to the site, during the operating hours of the plant or activity noise.
A facade noise survey is required to determine the likely internal noise levels present in a premises. This is generally required as part of the planning process, and is required in determining appropriate facade constructions, glazing and vent specification. The main guidance documents relevant to facade noise surveys are:
Typically, the facade experiencing the highest noise levels will be chosen when selecting the measurement positions. However, where noise levels differ significantly at different facades, several measurement positions shall be chosen accordingly.